"Animated Astrology" is a unique and transformative course on Foundational Astrology.

What you will learn here will indeed transform your understanding of what astrology really is about, how you can understand yourself more clearly and how (as a result of all this) you can make better life decisions for yourself in the process.

First and foremost, it must be said that we are not talking about "prediction", "fortune telling" or "crystal balls" here. Instead we're talking about a profound system of thought and understanding that truly has the capability of opening up your life to new opportunities and new discoveries - as it did for this course creator, Tony White, many decades ago. So if you feel blocked in your life for some reason, if you are confused about just who you are and what your life potentials could be, and if you are confused about what makes others tick and how you can better relate to them, then this is most definitely the course for you!

There's very little doubt that by the end of this course you'll never be the same again. You will of course need to approach it with an open mind and a willing heart - and be prepared to prove everything you learn in the light of your own personal experience. But we're confident that the material you'll be taught here will change your understanding of yourself, will affect the way you can run your life more productively in the future, and indeed may well be the most transformative moment you'll ever experience.

However before you decide or commit to anything, perhaps Tony's video on the next page will help explain what you can learn and why you might need to learn it. On the page after that, you'll be able to get to know Tony better, hear how he discovered astrology in the first place and how it has transformed his life ever since. If you're then even more excited to learn more about this course, we'll give you free access to what the beginning of the content is like, in addition to animated introductions that lead into all the other lessons.

So, click the "Complete and continue" tab above to know yourself (and us) better...

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