The STAR*TOONZ Academy diploma: (Frame not included.)

Now you've worked through all the course material you will probably wish to test your knowledge and receive recognition for your accomplishment. Our diploma in foundational astrology can do that.

To receive your diploma we simply ask you to take our examination, which is based solely on the knowledge that this course contains. To help you better understand what this examination requires you will have no-doubt noticed the red guideline notes that are found at the bottom on each section of this course. We felt it only fair that we did this, so you can specifically see what we'll be looking for.

In addition to the basic "yes/no" answers the examination paper contains you will also be asked to write 3 simple interpretations from Birth Chart information we will give you. That way you will be able to show us that your not only understand the information contained in the course, but you will also be able to demonstrate that you can apply it to real-life astrological interpretations.

The cost of our diploma application is $50. For that you will receive you examination paper that you can complete at your leisure after which, if successful, we will send you your personal, signed diploma that signifies that you have achieved a demonstrable level of competence at foundational astrology. Your diploma will include an actual chart, depicting the moment that your were formally approved for your diploma, thereby making it entirely unique to you.

Should you not complete your examination successfully, we will return your marked paper to you, so it will communicate the areas you failed to reach the required standard we require. That way you will be able to address your areas of weakness for any future new application you may make.

Finally, we hope you will be as excited by this diploma certification opportunity as we are to offer it?

Click HERE to apply.

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